Find below the essential growth hacking checklist for fintech, blockchain that has to be implemented at first and all other extra measures should be additionally placed on the top of that. Ensure that you realise every tip.

SEO: search engine optimisation

Optimise every page (titles, descriptions, images, mark up code). Check your website in every browser.

SEM: search engine marketing

Find out the most common search queries related to your company and use them in Google Ads, articles, website’s texts.

Product management

Monitor competitors, features. Update your product. Learn user experience & behavior in Google Analytics, heat map.

A/B testing

Offer your customers 2 versions of product and observe which one they prefer.

Facebook /Instagram /Linkedin ads

To convert funs into paying customers.

Email newsletter

Create triggered newsletter, use call to action that returns them to website, survey to get feedback. Distribute your content.

Customer base

Divide your base to customers & funs, target content to them differently.

Influencer marketing

Collaborate with high-profile brands, bloggers to tap into their audience.

Social media channels

Post your content often, stay fresh & updated in people’s mind. Time your post to early morning or evenings to reach the most views. Engage with other brands, bloggers, even your customers & funs to raise your visibility.

Channels in messengers

Automate posting your content even in messenger channel if your audience prefers it. Stay interactive there.

Actually this growth hacking checklist might be suitable also for IT (software & hardware), robotic, e-commerce businesses.