The comparison of jSU automation suite from with products such as Automation for Jira and Jira Misc Workflow Extensions was fully prepared by Taisiia Berg.
Task from beecom AG: compare jSU automation suite for Jira Workflows with Automation for Jira and Jira Misc Workflow Extensions on the Atlassian Marketplace, shortly analyse strategies and develop recommendations.
Timeframe: 24h since 7th of October’19

In table #1 the jSU product from beecom, Atlassian Top Vendor and Platinum Partner of 17 years, was compared with products such as automation for Jira and Jira Misc Workflow Extensions. As you notice, for users on the Atlassian marketplace, jSU benefits from price, documentations, but got fewer reviews, and that did not influence to a number of orders.
Let’s shortly compare the features of these products in table #2 below. Of course, that is not the deep comparison but it’s enough to understand the general line. Unfortunately, somewhere on the webpage of products it was not clear, is this feature there or not, without digging in documentations. However, it is possible to conclude, jSU allows to realise a little bit more functions than the other two products.

Marketing recommendations to try
- Embed jSU product link and a description to blog posts, reviews and articles that already appear in SERP (Google/Bing/Yahoo/Yandex) for queries like “automation for Jira vs jsu automation suite” or “Jira misc workflow extensions vs jsu automation suite” or “best Jira workflow plugins”, etc.
- Run Google Ads for competitor plugin names;
- Go local, based on TOP-10 languages used in the Internet today ( create and distribute the content not only in English but also in the following 5 languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, German (only European languages covered);
- Monitor (rather automatically) when new threads are started on Quora, StackOverflow, Atlassian Community that cover Jira workflow automation topic and participate in the discussion (Example:
- Become a sponsor for series of events aimed at Jira users (Atlassian User Groups, PMI Chapters, Agile meetups), or at PM/PO, probably also for DevOps as developers sometimes like structured approach much better then business users (strategy that is successfully implemented by Automattic to promote their Jetpack for WordPress plugin);
- Partnership with Agile trainers and coaches, recruit them as ambassadors in different countries;
- Partnership with other Atlassian Solution Partners who integrate Jira for their customers;
- Conduct webinars for Atlassian community, that gets advertised via their website for free;
- Ask your current customers to provide feedback in the Atlassian Marketplace to improve quantity and quality of “star rating” (167 reviews as of now for 19 000 active instances does not look exciting, there is a potential to outperform competitors);
- On a regular basis, request to be featured in the Atlassian Marketplace (or to be continuously labeled “Staff pick”) – this is free and allowed to do every quarter (submit your requests before the last day of every quarter (March, June, September, December);
- Experiment with the content on marketplace page — add more Feature/Use-Case descriptions, mention features that competitors offer if jSU product has them as well;
- I would also learn more about the approach to plugin marketing from success stories of other plugin marketplaces (Azure, JetBrains, WordPress, Magento – first come to my mind), or using customer development (some insights could be obtained even without direct interaction with customers, just by googling:
Of course, if I have an access to your Google Analytics, I could analyze the channels (which of them most productive and effective, which content is more catchy), get more topic-related websites (for SEO, and advertisement including Google Ads), include platforms and websites from the audience’s interests, affinity audiences and other insights.